Pixmob at the 40 music awards santander 2023
Spfxsideral |
martes 7 de noviembre de 2023
| Special effects rental, Special effects rental, Visual effects rental, SPARKS, CO2, Concert, Confetti, Sports, Dmx, Smoke effect, Visual effects, Scenography, Events, Evolite, FX, LED, Los40, Music awards, Paraddax, PIXMOB, POMPAS, Bracelets, Special Effects, Special fx, TV

Last Friday we were at Los40 Music Awards Santander 2023 at the Wizink Center with our Pixmob Wristbands and with low smoke, which accompanied several performances. Pixmob led wristbands carry luminosity creating an immersive experience.
Client: Planet Event
Material: 10.000 Pixmob Evolite 4000 Wristbands