We offer the world's first confetti with biodegradability certification

As we all know, sustainability is increasingly present in all sectors and, therefore, also in the world of special effects for events. As part of this reality, we want to collaborate and contribute to change through our activity, both small gestures and large actions that generate a significant change, in favor of the care of our planet. One of our star products that generates the most debate in relation to sustainability is confetti, given its scope and the impact it generates once it has been launched. But, what there is no doubt about, is that it is still a choice that achieves a wow effect and remains in the memory of the attendees who witness its appearance in the air.
Focusing on this, the first thing to be clear about is the difference between the different types of confetti:
- SHAPES AND SIZES: It exists in various sizes (from 6x6mm to 55x55m) and shapes (circle, tree leaf, butterflies, rectangular...) and can even be customized. For example, making copies of bank bills, logos, etc.
- FIREPROOF CONFETTI: It is totally dispensable when working in events and scenarios with presence of electrical risk. The confetti without fireproof certificate should only be used in environments where it can not cause any risk.
- HYDROSOLUBLE CONFETI: The most common is made of rice paper, so when it comes into contact with water it melts quickly and disappears in sight. What does not disappear in water are the chemicals in the inks that dye the confetti colors.
Many of these confetti, only guarantee their disappearance or solubility in a percentage, so we still have to count on a certain amount of residue. It is very important to note that this type of confetti is highly flammable and therefore does not have fireproof certification. We have made several tests to see the result with one of these types of confetti:
→ BIODEGRADABLE CONFETTI BY MAGIC FX®.This is the first confetti in the world with Biodegradability certificate and it is the best option to have the smallest possible footprint on the environment. And of course it is flame retardant. It is biocompostable , it decomposes in soil over time, although it will not disappear immediately to the eye. More information in these videos:

Use only confetti from OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED suppliers. You will be able to clarify their fire-retardant and ecological certification with confidence.
TÜV SÜD is the only leading international provider of high quality, safety and sustainability solutions specializing in certification, auditing, testing, inspection, technical assistance and training, with extensive experience over the last 150 years. The TÜV OK biodegradable label is a guarantee that our confetti and streamers will completely biodegrade in the soil without negatively affecting the environment.